Our events

Keep an eye on this page to find out about our events.

What is included in the Authentic Mentoring Membership

  • Monthly Webinar.  Each month has a different personal development theme.
  • Significantly reduced prices for all other courses and retreats run by Marion.
  • Access to all webinar recordings.
  • Access to the private Authentic Mentoring Facebook group.

All events are part of the Authentic Mentoring Membership Group.

The Authentic Mentoring Group is for anyone who has worked with Marion and wishes to continue their personal development.

The group is also open to anyone who would like to experience personal development with Marion.

Why Authentic Mentoring?

  • Enjoy different topics covered each month, from the relationship with your self, wisdom, archetypal patterns, mental health and more.
  • Automatically experience more peace in your life though understanding your self.
  • Sharing with others and being around people that become your cheer leaders.
  • The opportunity to ask the questions about why you do things in the way you do.
  • When things resonate you will automatically transform.
  • As you transform you are able to see how to design your own life.

Contact Marion if you would like access to the Webinars and Courses.

Dreams and Self Empowerment


Carole is an amazing dream analyst working with dreams for 30+ years. 

In this 3 hour workshop she will take us on a journey to understand what our dreams are there for, how they can be used for your own personal growth. 

Bring a dream along, if you have one, and Carole will help us understand how to interpret our dream world!

The Healing Circle Day Retreat for Women


To all you amazing women looking for some time out to re-connect with yourself at a deeper and more intuitive level.

Join us for a magical day, full of insight and deep connection.

We will journey through the day exploring who we really are through talks whilst letting go of our stress, worries and pain through the singing bowls and meditation.

Come and be part of a small retreat in Maldon, Essex where you can let go of the outside world and connect with your inner world whilst being supported by the community within the circle.

This is a special day mapped out just for you.

Contact Marion if you want to join “The Healing Circle”.

Past Webinars and Courses

Webinar – Design Your Own Life

Webinar – Connect to your Inner Power

Webinar – Do you suffer from Imposter Syndrome

Webinar – Get to know the 4 patterns of behaviour you fall into when your self esteem drops

16 December, 2021

11 November, 2021

16 September, 2021

14 October, 2021