These are those pesky things that hold us back from being the best version of who we are.
You may already have transformed more than you could imagine on the on the LIVE BIG course, but old patterns that hold us back reveal themselves throughout our life.
I am still discovering ways that I show up in the world that can hold me back, but I know how to see things differently so that things automatically change.
Join me and another 5 women who want to take that leap with you!
Over the 4 weeks you will discover, through my questions and face to face exercises that you can see things differently than you ever thought you would.
If you are ready, then join around 5 other people on the course.
You may know them already but if not, I can guarantee that you will love meeting them and sharing your stories with each other.
Would you love to see things differently?
You will be able to work on something that you struggle with and need help to let go of. After attending the LIVE BIG course where so many or your issues and problems will drop away, you may find that there is a lingering belief that stop you living your best life. We will work on these through modules and some mind expanding exercises to help you let go of these old patterns.
All course attendees are invited to the private Facebook group where there will be support from each other and regular information and videos from me. A place where you can share your thoughts, experiences and insights in a safe environment.
Everyone who has ever attended the courses have made friends and felt such support from the small group of like minded people who you will meet and be with on your transformation journey. There is nothing like hearing other people's stories and realising you are not alone and that everyone feels the same way you do. You will also have my full support to become more self empowered and happy.
The weekly coaching sessions are there for me to work with you on what has arisen whilst you worked on the module. I will guide you further into understanding how you can connect with more deeply with who you really are.
If you notice that you are struggling with certain areas of your life or feel that you want to go on a journey of self discovery then the ultimate goal of every human being is to find peace within. We do this by letting go of the beliefs that hold us back from connecting to that feeling.
When you realise how many stories you create in your life and live as if you believe them all, you will see how disruptive many of them can be. We humans are so good are weaving stories about what we lack, who we are and where we think our happiness comes from. Releasing these will bring you peace.
How can we create healthy relationships with our family, friends and partners if we behave in ways that stops us from having healthy relationships? You know if you are picking the wrong partners, communicating badly with friends and family. You can learn how to have a great relationship with everyone by understanding how to live from the inside out.
Our problems can dissapear so fast when we see things differently. It is called having a different perspective. I call it having that "ahaa" moment which means my reality shifts. If you would like to see things differently, then join the course and find peace.
When you live a life of honesty with yourself and with those outside of you, your life transforms. Stories fall away and you start living from your "higher self". Rather than spending days feeling uncomfortable feelings you will be able to see the truth of the situation and live more peacefully.
When you see things differently and feel that something needs to change you will see the way forward by listening to your inner Wisdom. We need to meet the Universe in the middle by also participating in our own life. We must take responsibility so that we can feel peace.
I like to work with small numbers of groups, 6 at the most. I am able to truly listen and understand you so that even though we are working on a different subject each week, I am always mindful what it is you are personally wanting to transform.
Absolutely not. I have run many groups and have also been on many courses where I have been in groups with other women. You will find that you all support each other and learn so much just by listening to them. Many people on my courses have become good friends.
If you want to transform and come along to the group with the intention of doing the work and participating in the coaching sessions, you will transform.
Once you have paid for the course you will receive your personal account details and the opportunity to reset your password . Your account can only be accessed by yourself.